“The Christians live their life on the border between two aeons. They live in Christ; but have not thereby ceased to share the fate of the children of Adam. They live in the spirit but still experience the drag of the flesh. He reminds them of the condition of their old life, and calls upon them to learn how matters stand in their new life. He speaks to them as if they were more at home in the world of sin than in the world of grace and righteousness.” – Anders Nygren, p. 259.
The Struggle is Real (& Normal)
By Theocast

“The Christians live their life on the border between two aeons. They live in Christ; but have not thereby ceased to share the fate of the children of Adam. They live in the spirit but still experience the drag of the flesh. He reminds them of the condition of their old life, and calls upon them to learn how matters stand in their new life. He speaks to them as if they were more at home in the world of sin than in the world of grace and righteousness.” – Anders Nygren, p. 259.