Written by Jon Moffitt
How do you even contemplate lifting your broken heart to your God when your guilt has you buried 6 feet underground?
How do you find the reason to hope again when shame drowns you in despair?How do you walk into the light when your conscience drags you into depression?
Your Father shouts your name not in anger but as a passionate Father looking for his lost child. He didn’t lose you. Your eyes and ears became deaf to his call because sin has covered your heart and blocked you from seeing his love.
He shouts past the pain, the shame, and the noise of your brain so you can hear his voice. Child, come to me without trepidation. Listen to my words. I love you. I have always loved you. I loved you before you even knew me. I will love you through every trial. I will love you when your heart wanders from me. I loved you first, and remember, my love is never dependent upon you.
His voice echoes through our hearts through the letter he wrote to us. Child, read my letter. Listen to my words. I know your weaknesses. I know the struggles you face. If you listen to my words, you will have the strength to endure this world. My love for you will provide the hope needed to walk another day. Look not to how you walk but to my words. Walk in my words. Look to my Son. He holds you. He died for you. He is preparing your home with me. You are safe. Put down the lies of the adversary and pick up my words. Listen to your brothers and sisters as they point you back to me. Hear my voice in their words. Listen to my songs in their lungs.
Find your strength in my grace. When you do, another wayward child will be freed because you will point them to me. First, find your rest in me. Be renewed. Your joy is no waiting in your performance. Your joy is resting in my Son. Rest in him. And then give this truth to your neighbor so that you both can rejoice together.