The Life Coach, the Policeman and the Paramedic

The Life Coach, the Policeman and the Paramedic
Generally speaking, pastors fit into three categories: The Life Coach, The Policeman, and The Paramedic. Obviously, there are numerous skills employed in ministry. Every well-rounded pastor will be applying, warning and encouraging. But, generally speaking every pastor will be identified by one of the following characterizations.

The Life-Coach

Offers information from the Bible to improve the quality of life. Christianity is about better living. (Principles) Sin is seen generally as an obstacle to a fulfilled life. Assumes the reason people are not who they can be is because they have not been enlightened. Points to their potential as a motivator (confidence). Translates “run the race” in Hebrews as “run to win.” Their tone is "positivity."

The Policeman

Uses Bible to monitor the behavior of others and keep their lives in check. Christianity is about living better. (Morality) Sin is seen in purely moral categories as habits that need to be abated. Assumes people are not who they should because they don’t care to be those people. Points out the distance between who they are and who they should be as a motivator (shame).  Translates “run the race” in Hebrews as “run for your life.” Their tone is "disappointment."

The Paramedic

Administers hope to the burdened saint by applying the promises of God in Christ to their fainting heart. Christianity is living by faith. (Hope) Sin is seen as a condition/dominion effecting all of life through which the justified sinner pilgrimages through to ultimate deliverance. Assumes no one is more frustrated with the distance between who they are and who they must be than the individual saint. Points to the Savior who became for us what we could never be (gospel). Translates “run the race” as “run to Christ.” Their tone is "empathy."

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