What If I Don't Feel Saved?

What If I Don't Feel Saved?
In this episode, Jon and Justin answer the question, "What do I do if I don't feel saved?" This is a struggle for so many of us. God tells us in his Word that we're his children, but we often feel like his enemy. What do we do with that?

Member Podcast Description: Jon and Justin consider how Calvinistic evangelicalism hasn't helped with assurance but, rather, has doubled down on pietism.

1689 London Baptist Confession, 18.2
Heidelberg Catechism, Question 60
"Faith vs Faithfulness: A Primer on Rest"
"The Whole Christ" by Sinclair Ferguson

Hebrews 7:25, 12:1-2
Romans 5:6-10; 7:15-25; 8:1, 31-39
John 10, 14, 15


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