We all tend to buy into the world's definition of love. We view love as transactional. And, if we're honest, love is really about our self-gratification. This understanding of love robs us of true joy in our relationships and it robs us of peace before God. The love of God for us is unconditional, sacrificial, and steadfast. We know what love is by looking to God's love for us. And we love because he first loved us. If we understand these things better, our relationships with one another in the church and in our homes will profit. Jon and Justin talk about these things in today's episode.
Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin continue the conversation on love by talking about the necessity of the means of grace in the church. That's right. If you're wondering how these things are connected, give the episode a listen.
Jon's Sermon on Relationships, Dating, and God’s Love