Intro to Three Uses of the Law

Intro to Three Uses of the Law

In this second of three episodes on God's law, Jon and Justin talk about the three uses of the law. In considering the three uses of the law, we are essentially answering the question, "Why did God give the law?" The first use of the law is to show us our sin and drive us to Christ. The second use is to teach all men right and wrong--and to restrain our corruption. The third use is to serve as the guide for our living in Christ. Without these uses in view, we are prone to make all kinds of errors in our application and understanding of God's law.

Semper Reformanda: Jon and Justin consider how the uses of the law are often collapsed in our day and the resulting fallout of this confusion. In contending for the uses of the law, we are simply seeking to use the law lawfully (1 Timothy 1:8).


First episode in this series: "Intro to Law and Gospel Distinction"
Our episode on "What Must I Do to Be Saved?"
Our episode on "John Piper on Holiness"
Our episode on "Following Jesus Is Not the Gospel"
Our episode on "Faith Without Works is Dead: James 2"

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