Jon and Justin put a bow on the conversation about 1 John. The guys rejoice in the goodness of the letter and contrast that with how it is often taught.
Jon and Justin talk about how far removed we are from the historical context of 1 John--and why that matters. The guys also reflect further upon the apostle's gentle, pastoral, and reassuring tone in the letter.
Jon and Justin talk further about observations they have made in the church regarding those who doubt and those who are arrogant in their sin. The guys get into church discipline, as well as how pastors have failed to rightly divide the law and the gospel.
The guys give pastoral counsel to the person who is wrestling with the legitimacy of his/her faith. (Hint: Our counsel involves the local church.) We also talk a little more about the state of the church in our day.
Jon and Justin talk about the importance of law/gospel distinction in the Sermon the Mount, as well as how to love and care for those with a tender conscience.
We get a little bit more punchy as we talk about the dangers of pietism as it relates to the gathered saints in the local church and the damage that it can cause. We hope this conversation is beneficial to you as it was to us. We look forward to you listening.