The guys discuss parachurch ministries and how they have often contributed to the confusion about what characterizes a strong Christian. Then, we talk more about the necessity of ordinary faithfulness in loving the weak in the church.
Jon and Justin have a spirited conversation about how the church has lost its focus and mission--and how that makes it difficult for people to find legitimate communion in Christ around the means of grace.
We get a little bit more punchy as we talk about the dangers of pietism as it relates to the gathered saints in the local church and the damage that it can cause. We hope this conversation is beneficial to you as it was to us. We look forward to you listening.
In this episode, we answer the question, "Can we disappoint God in our disobedience?" We also have a spirited discussion about quiet times and the necessity of the church.
The guys continue the conversation on 2 Peter 1 by going through the rest of the chapter. We give thoughts on preaching the passage and on pastoral posture, in general.
Jon and Justin continue the conversation on faith alone. In particular, we talk about how the truth of justification by faith alone in Christ alone frees us up to love one another.
More from our live event in Palmdale, CA. We consider bearing fruit in the Christian life and the question of how long a Christian can struggle with sin before they should start questioning their salvation.
Jon and Justin continue the discussion around Mark Jones' article. We also take listener questions about the Marrow Controversy, Roman Catholicism, and when/how you would know someone is a false convert.