Today’s reminder is from Justin Perdue, Pastor of Covenant Baptist Church in Asheville, NC.
We live in a world that’s groaning, and we groan too. That’s because of sin’s high level. But, at times, we bring emptiness on ourselves through what we do. Through sinful choices, thoughts and actions – we’re just like Naomi.
And God redeems out of that emptiness. To highlight how good God is in that redemptive work, consider this: as we think about emptiness, there is one person in the history of the world who experienced emptiness, and it was not because he was a sinner. Now this person of course, is our Savior, Jesus, God, the Son who took on flesh, right? Jesus of Nazareth. He left the glory of heaven to enter exile in a fallen world. He emptied himself by taking on human flesh. As is expressed beautifully in the song entitled “Welcome to Our World.” We sing this, “Wrap our injured flesh around you. Breathe our air and walk our sod. Rob our sin and make us holy, perfect son of God.”
The God-man, Jesus of Nazareth, knew suffering in this life. We read in Hebrews chapter two, that he was perfected by suffering. Sometimes we think and reduce it down to the fact that he suffered in his death, which is certainly true, but he suffered his whole life in that way.
He was obedient, as well, his whole life. He was obedient, as well, in his death. He was obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. He suffered in his life and death. He obeyed in his life and death, and he is the atonement for our sins. He is the absolution for our guilt. He is our righteousness. We receive all of that. We don’t achieve any of it. We trust; we rest; we hope in Christ.
Everyday Grace 011