Left Behind? (A Conversation on Eschatology)
Jon and Justin have a discussion on views of eschatology and how it has affected modern biblical interpretation. Do historical Dispensational views contradict the clear teaching of Scripture on the atoning work of Christ? Is one’s view on eschatology a measure of orthodoxy? Should our views of eschatology drive the rest of our theology, or is it the other way around?
What Are Angels?
Anyone who is even slightly familiar with Christianity has an idea of what angels are. However, just like hell, heaven, and Satan, our knowledge and understanding of angels is largely shaped by our cultural history and the media we consume. In this episode, Jon and Doug clarify what angels actually are. Delving into topics like the definition of “Elohim,” the appearance of angels in the Bible, and the role they play in the kingdom of God.
Law and Gospel (w/ Remnant Radio)
Today’s episode is a special one. Jon and Justin were recently interviewed by the hosts of Remnant Radio, Josh and Michael, and had a great conversation about all things law and gospel. We discussed the history, confusing passages, and how it is often misused to rob us of assurance. More importantly, we explored how, when used correctly, it can provide deep assurance. We hope you find this conversation encouraging!
Did Jesus Descend Into Hell?
Why does the Apostles’ Creed say that Jesus “descended into hell?” There are many frequently asked questions regarding this statement. What does “hell” mean, and where does Jesus really go after the crucifixion? In scripture, we see several Greek and Hebrew words translated as “hell.” Our culture and media have also distorted our idea of what words like hades, land of the dead, and paradise truly mean, even in largely Christian circles. We hope you find this conversation informative!
Godliness vs. Legalism
What is the difference between godliness and legalism? Sometimes, when people define godliness, they actually describe legalism or even pietism. Understanding this distinction is crucial, and the Bible addresses it often. Today, Jon and Justin will explain where true, heart-filled, God-glorifying godliness comes from and reveal the damage caused by the lies of Satan—legalism and pietism. We pray you are encouraged by this conversation.
Psalm 82 is About Jesus
“You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you; nevertheless, like men you shall die, and fall like any prince.” What does this mean? Psalm 82 showcases God taking his place among the divine council in the midst of the gods. Jon and Doug discuss how this Psalm is truly about Jesus and His work to deliver His people from darkness.
We Sin, We Suffer, We Die… Where’s the Good News?
The Christian life is often depicted by American culture as one of prosperity and health, but more frequently, our pilgrimage through this fallen world is characterized by sin, suffering, and ultimately death. Jon and Justin have discussed suffering, sickness, death, and our only hope to escape this harrowing reality in many episodes of Theocast. This compilation features the most informative and helpful portions of those episodes, with the aim of being extremely clear about where we stand, who and what we look to for comfort, and how we should view and endure suffering in this world.
Babel, Ziggurats, and Cosmic Mountains
What was the purpose of the Tower of Babel? What were they trying to achieve, connect, or, communicate with? How do the events of Genesis 11 connect to the overarching meta-narrative of the Bible? Jon and Doug continue their conversation on the Tower of Babel, ziggurats, cosmic mountains, and more!
For the Outcasts
Maybe you’re out there feeling weary, burdened, beat up, or left behind. Even in your experience as a Christian in the church, you feel like you’ve been run over, like you don’t fit. You know that Jesus is real, but you wonder if the problem is with you. If you’ve felt this way repeatedly, and if you’ve been made to feel this way over and over, this podcast is for you.
Today, Jon and Justin are going to have a tender and honest conversation about the things that matter most to us as pastors and why Theocast exists at all: to hold out Jesus Christ for us. He came to save people like you and me. Join us as we rejoice in Him today and talk about Him. We hope you are encouraged.
The Gods and the Tower of Babel
What is the true significance of the tower of Babel account in Genesis? What are the parallels between Babel and what is known as a “cosmic mountain?” How does the way God operates with humanity showcase His divine and supreme authority? Jon and Doug discuss these questions and more!
The Fruit of Doug Wilson’s Pen…
Written by Jon Moffitt This week, a valuable discussion took place between Chris Gordon and Doug Wilson on @agradeo1. (Full video and comments can be found here: Link). Within the first 24 hours of the video being live, there were over 1,000 comments, many of which were pointedly critical of Chris Gordon, and at […]
What Robs Us of Rest?
Have you ever found yourself resting in Christ, only to suddenly lose that peace? What can rob you of your rest in Christ? Today’s podcast addresses this very issue. We will explore the pitfalls that either trap us, preventing us from finding rest, or trip us up once we are at rest, causing anxiety, pain, and suffering. These pitfalls can undermine the very hope we have in the sufficiency of Christ. Join Justin and Jon as they walk through three different areas of life that cause us to lose our rest in Christ. We pray this is encouraging to you.
Reformed Thoughts on Michael Heiser
Many of you may be familiar with Michael Heiser and his works discussing the divine council worldview. Despite great contributions within his books, some of his writings are very concerning to many with a Calvinistic and Reformed persuasion. In this episode, Jon and Doug discuss their experiences with Heiser’s books and how we should interact with agreeable and disagreeable ideas from the same author.
Stop Preaching the Pietism ‘Gospel’
If you are directed inwardly to find the comfort and assurance that Christ has saved you from your sin, you will be of all men most miserable. Jon and Justin have spoken about pietism and its effects on the Christian life in many episodes of Theocast. This is a compilation of the most informative and helpful portions of those episodes, with the aim of being extremely clear on where we stand, what problems we see with pietism, and the subtle yet devastating fruits of the pietism ‘gospel’ within the local church.
Biblicism and the Supernatural
A supernatural view of the Bible, and the history within it, helps bring even more clarity to covenant theology. The way God covenants with His people is often in direct opposition to the covenants men made with other powers. Christ ultimately shows the futility of these other gods and their covenants by revealing to them His full power through His ministry on Earth, the resurrection, and His ascension.
Where Is Jesus in My Suffering? (w/ Mike Abendroth)
Today, it seems like if you are not suffering from some kind of ailment or cancer, you know someone who is or have had a family member or friend who has died because of it. It is a painful experience to watch someone lose their life and wither away. At times, our faith is crushed, and our assurance is called into question. Where is Jesus in all of this suffering?
We have the privilege of hosting a special guest, Mike Abendroth, who has recently written a book about this experience from his own perspective. We know this will be encouraging for you. If you get an opportunity to purchase the book, we highly recommend it!
Reformed Theology and The Divine Council
A supernatural view of the Bible, and the history within it, helps bring even more clarity to covenant theology. The way God covenants with His people is often in direct opposition to the covenants men made with other powers. Christ ultimately shows the futility of these other gods and their covenants by revealing to them His full power through His ministry on Earth, the resurrection, and His ascension.
There Is No Power in the Law
Some of you are probably really concerned about this title, thinking we’ve gone too far. Well, we’re here to defend not ourselves, but to show you from Scripture that all power remains in Christ and Him crucified. The law is only here to guide or convict us. We’re going to talk about the different uses of the law, but the law is powerless to save and powerless to sanctify. Let us prove it to you from Scripture.
Common Struggles with “The gods”
How should we understand the word Elohim? What is the significance of idols in scripture? Are we espousing polytheism? We receive many questions and concerns about how we understand concepts like the giants, the Nephilim, angels, demons, and, lowercase-g, gods. In this episode, Jon and Doug seek to address some of this feedback and offer their reasoning of these concepts through a reformed, confessional understanding of scripture.
What Does America Need?
People often criticize us here at Theocast, saying that we are not concerned about society, the culture in which we live, or even the country of which we are citizens. So today, Jon and Justin are going to address that. We’re going to discuss the gospel and what the Lord is doing in building His church. How do all of these things affect our perspectives on society, culture, and the countries in which we live? We hope that this is encouraging and clarifying for you.
Demons, Spirits of the Giants?
Many will tell you that demons come from fallen angels, but is this true? Several pieces of scripture point towards a different origin for demons, the spirits of the dead giants! In this episode, Jon and Doug discuss the unholy nature of the giants and why the unclean spirits seen in Jesus’s time are an evolution of the giants in the ancient world.