At Theocast, we get this question a lot: What about 2 Peter when it says that we should be confirming our calling and election by our obedience? Isn't that really a way for us to examine ourselves and find our assurance, saying, "Look, my obedience aligns with my confession?" Yes and no. That passage has probably hurt more people than it has helped. But Peter wrote it to help them—he actually wrote it to encourage them. So if you read 2 Peter 1:10 and feel discouraged, you should keep listening. That is not what was intended.
Thinking About God: Dread or Comfort?
What comes to mind when you think about God? Do you feel comfort, safety, and love, or do you wrestle with doubt, dread, and judgment? It's been said that our thoughts about God shape every area of our lives, and today Jon and Justin dive deep into this idea. Join them as they explore who God is, what He is like, and how He has revealed Himself through Jesus Christ. Tune in for a thoughtful and honest conversation about faith, feelings, and the character of God.
Gutting the Scripture of Its Power
Many Christians today feel absolutely drained and powerless. They have tried every solution under the sun to overcome their sin, grow in Christ, and mature in their faith, striving for sanctification. Yet, they feel defeated and often question, “Am I even God's? Do I truly belong to Him?” It seems as though the power of Christianity has disappeared. How did that happen? That’s exactly what Justin and Jon want to discuss today. How did the power of the gospel become gutted from the Bible?
Stop Preaching the Pietism 'Gospel'
If you are directed inwardly to find the comfort and assurance that Christ has saved you from your sin, you will be of all men most miserable. Jon and Justin have spoken about pietism and its effects on the Christian life in many episodes of Theocast. This is a compilation of the most informative and helpful portions of those episodes, with the aim of being extremely clear on where we stand, what problems we see with pietism, and the subtle yet devastating fruits of the pietism 'gospel' within the local church.
The Burden of Bible Reading
For many people, reading the Bible can feel like a burden. It seems that the whole conversation around Bible reading is riddled with guilt and shame. It shouldn’t be that way. It is good that we would know and love the Word of God! It is important that we, as Christians, be regularly engaging with the Word. That said, there are a number of ways that we can do that. Jon and Justin consider how we are called to know, love, and obey the Word in today’s episode.
What Is Pietism?
Pietism is something we have discussed many times over the years on Theocast. Four years into recording together, Jon and Justin pointedly revisit the topic in today’s episode. What is pietism? How would the guys explain it to someone visiting their respective churches? How does pietism affect the individual Christian? How does it affect churches and even corporate worship? And what about the church’s tendency to hitch its wagon to politics and social causes--does that have anything to do with pietism?
Revivalism (w/ Ken Jones)
For today’s episode, Jon and Justin are joined by Ken Jones (pastor of Glendale Baptist Church and host of Saints and Sinners Unplugged). The guys talk about revivalism. There are two distinct traditions within American Protestantism: one is the confessional/ordinary means of grace tradition; the other pietistic and revivalistic. What are the differences between the two? What about the First Great Awakening? What is it that characterizes any genuine movement of God?
Pitfalls for the Reformed
In today's episode, Jon and Justin reflect on the world of conservative reformed Christianity. Taking a dive into dead orthodoxy on one side to pietism and revivalism on the other, the guys ask: how did we get here? What is God expecting? Can we identify these pitfalls in our own lives? This episode is not about just pointing out faults but being able to recognize harmful habits we've fallen into and moving past them.
How Pietism Ruins Good Works
It sounds a little crazy to say that the gospel terrifies Christians. But it clearly does. Christians are prone to qualify the grace of God in Christ. Christians are prone to hedge on justification by faith alone. At times, Christians can even be unsettled by the preaching of Christ from all of Scripture. Why are these things so? Jon and Justin consider history, fear-based theology, pietism, law/gospel confusion, and Christ-centered preaching in today's episode.
Why the Gospel Terrifies Christians
It sounds a little crazy to say that the gospel terrifies Christians. But it clearly does. Christians are prone to qualify the grace of God in Christ. Christians are prone to hedge on justification by faith alone. At times, Christians can even be unsettled by the preaching of Christ from all of Scripture. Why are these things so? Jon and Justin consider history, fear-based theology, pietism, law/gospel confusion, and Christ-centered preaching in today's episode.
The Problem: An Anemic Gospel
People make various diagnoses of what ails the church today. To some, it's a loss of a commitment to moral and social values. To others, it's a general lack of acceptance. To others, it's that we don't preach obedience and holiness enough. If we were to fix these things, would it cure what ails us? Jon and Justin consider these questions and suggest that the issue in so much of the church today is that we're preaching an anemic gospel.
Leaving Pietism
At Theocast, we talk a lot about pietism. What is it? What is the difference in piety and pietism? How does pietism affect us? Is there something better? If you find yourself struggling in the Christian life, is there something wrong with you? The guys answer these questions and more.