At Theocast, we get this question a lot: What about 2 Peter when it says that we should be confirming our calling and election by our obedience? Isn't that really a way for us to examine ourselves and find our assurance, saying, "Look, my obedience aligns with my confession?" Yes and no. That passage has probably hurt more people than it has helped. But Peter wrote it to help them—he actually wrote it to encourage them. So if you read 2 Peter 1:10 and feel discouraged, you should keep listening. That is not what was intended.
The Gospel of Sincere Obedience
Oh no, Jon and Justin are talking about obedience again. Yes, we are—and it’s an important subject because, to be frank, we truly want everyone who listens to this podcast to obey sincerely. The question is, how is that accomplished? There is no good news for those who only emphasize obedience. We have to look to a power beyond ourselves, and that’s what we’re going to be discussing today.
What Does It Mean to Walk by the Spirit?
Do you ever wonder what it means to walk by the spirit? It's a phrase found in several places in the New Testament. If you asked ten different Christians what it means to walk by the spirit, you'd likely get ten different answers. But today on the pod, Jon and Justin are going to take a swing at answering that question. We're going to explore this concept and offer our perspectives. Our answers might surprise you.
Saved by Works? (w/ The Pactum)
Are we saved by works? The answer to this question might astonish you. In fact, we are saved by works! The real question is, whose works save us? Ours? Or someone else’s? In today’s episode, Jon, Justin, and our friend Pat Abendroth from The Pactum will be discussing the active obedience of Christ, a vital biblical doctrine that helps sinners see Jesus better. We pray you will find this conversation informative and encouraging.
Concerns About Obedience?
Many people raise sincere, well-intentioned concerns toward us here at Theocast--and toward other confessional Reformed believers--that perhaps we don’t talk enough about obedience. Or that there isn’t enough application of Scripture being done, as it pertains to our personal conduct and holiness. How would Jon and Justin respond to these concerns? The guys have that conversation in today’s episode.
The Meat of the Word IS NOT About Your Obedience
If you think the “meat of the word” is about our obedience and what we do, this episode is for you. Jon and Justin explain how holiness and obedience is a fruit of our growth in Christ--but how to eat the meat of the word is to grow in our understanding of the gospel of Christ, our union with Christ, the mystery of Christ, and even of the local church.
The "Prove Yourself" Gospel
It is Reformation Week. And here at Theocast, in the tradition of the Reformation, we always seek to clarify the gospel. When we do, people respond in somewhat predictable ways. "Well, you do believe that Christians are required to obey, right?" "Obedience is required for salvation." Are these questions indicative of misunderstanding? How should we respond to these kinds of questions? Jon and Justin double down on union with Christ by faith in today's episode.
Christ Is Enough...Now What?
Many listeners are tracking with us that Christ is enough--that he has completely saved us. Many have come to see that pietism is unhelpful. But, now, you're wondering: What do I do now? If that's you, this podcast is for you.
Live Q&A on Final Justification & Mark Jones
In our second ever live event, Jon and Justin talk primarily about sola fide--some of the old and new confusion around it. How do good works factor into our final salvation? We begin to discuss an article written recently by Mark Jones in which he argues that we have the right to eternal life by faith alone but we will finally possess eternal life through good works.
Live Q&A: Motivation for Obedience, Assurance, & the Holy Spirit
In our first-ever live Theocast event, we answer listener questions as well as those submitted by the audience. Topics include assurance of salvation, motivations for obedience, our need for the church, and more.
Obedience Is Not a Dirty Word
In this episode, we talk about how obedience is a good thing--but that sadly, many have had the experience of being scolded toward it. We discuss how assurance and peace with God in Christ actually motivates us to pursue obedience.
The Dark Side of Christianity
In this episode, we discuss the darkness that resides in all of us. Should we be surprised when Christians sin--and sin heinously? What do we mean by total depravity? What do we do when we come face to face with the wickedness of our hearts?