Is there a kind of preaching that Satan would approve of? We often assume it’s the kind that denies miracles and weakens morality, but he may just as well applaud preaching that exalts virtue and moral living while leaving out Jesus. At Theocast, we believe this kind of Christless preaching is dangerous, as it shifts the focus from the gospel to mere behavior. Today, Jon and Justin will discuss this issue and how it affects life in the local church. How do we talk about obedience, faithfulness, and discipleship without obscuring Jesus or assuming the gospel? Our goal is to keep Christ at the center of every conversation, and we hope this discussion is helpful to you.
How Satan Uses the Law
It is safe to say that the Apostle Paul was one of the most vigorous defenders of the gospel, and he said many things to protect it from legalism. However, there is an aspect of Paul's discussions that often goes unnoticed—his argument that legalism is not only a human issue but also a tool used by the kingdom of darkness. Paul explains that when Jesus put the rulers of this age to open shame, it was because they were using the law to condemn us. Jon and Justin discuss how the law can be manipulated by demonic forces to draw us back into legalism, which is entirely opposed to the gospel.
Despisers of Grace
When people look at the liberal-conservative divide—or perhaps the loose versus strict legalistic divide—in the church, they assume there is nothing in common between these groups. However, Jon and Justin disagree. We believe that both of these groups can be described as despisers of grace. Today, we’re going to explain what we mean by that. We’ll have a conversation about the law, the gospel, the grace of God, and the path to true freedom and rest in Jesus.