It is safe to say that the Apostle Paul was one of the most vigorous defenders of the gospel, and he said many things to protect it from legalism. However, there is an aspect of Paul's discussions that often goes unnoticed—his argument that legalism is not only a human issue but also a tool used by the kingdom of darkness. Paul explains that when Jesus put the rulers of this age to open shame, it was because they were using the law to condemn us. Jon and Justin discuss how the law can be manipulated by demonic forces to draw us back into legalism, which is entirely opposed to the gospel.
An Introduction to the Law and Gospel Distinction
The distinction between law and gospel is one of the most important topics covered at Theocast, as it lies at the heart of resting in Christ. Many struggle with trusting in Christ's sufficiency because they mistakenly mix the law with the gospel, believing there's something they must do to earn God's acceptance. This episode compiles key points from previous episodes to help clarify this important distinction and encourage listeners to rest in Christ's finished work.
Reading the Bible Through Law/Gospel Lenses
Is there a right and wrong way to read your Bible? We're going to argue that yes, there is. There’s a dangerous way where passages are misapplied—for example, reading the law as gospel or the gospel as law, which leads to confusion and distorts the message. In today's podcast, we discuss how to read your Bible with a law-gospel distinction. We'll cover how to think about different parts of the Bible, like narratives, Psalms, Proverbs, prophecy, and the New Testament gospels, ensuring you approach them with the right perspective to avoid muddying the gospel.
Law and Gospel (w/ Remnant Radio)
Today's episode is a special one. Jon and Justin were recently interviewed by the hosts of Remnant Radio, Josh and Michael, and had a great conversation about all things law and gospel. We discussed the history, confusing passages, and how it is often misused to rob us of assurance. More importantly, we explored how, when used correctly, it can provide deep assurance. We hope you find this conversation encouraging!
Law, Gospel, and Sanctification (w/ The Baptist Broadcast)
When you assess your life and your sanctification, do you conclude that there’s no way you could be God’s child? If so, it is possible that the categories of the law and the gospel have not been clearly explained for you. In today’s episode, Jon and Justin have a conversation with Josh Sommer (host of The Baptist Broadcast) about the law/gospel distinction and sanctification.
Law/Gospel Distinction Is Life-Changing
Today’s episode is a conversation amongst four pastors about how understanding the distinction between the law and the gospel changed their understanding of Scripture and their ministries. It is a very pastoral and personal conversation.
Does Too Much Grace Lead to Sin?
Does too much grace lead to sin? Quite the opposite, actually. It is the preaching of Christ that leads to repentance. The right division of the law and the gospel--and the heralding of the mercy and grace of God--produces repentance in the saints. These things build a culture in a local church where it is safe to confess real sin. All of this fosters real sanctification. Jon and Justin talk about this on today’s episode.
Law/Gospel Distinction
In this episode, the guys consider the distinction between the law and the gospel. God has revealed the law and the gospel in Scripture. They aren't the same thing, but yet, they are often confused. This confusion results in all kinds of fallout, including robbing the believer of assurance and peace.
Law Gospel Distinction with Rod Rosenbladt
We sat down with Rod Rosenbladt to discuss a few things--including law/gospel distinction, the sufficiency of Christ's work, and theology of the cross. We also get his thoughts on future justification.