Jon and Justin discuss the vitriol that often meets the clear proclamation of the gospel. The guys talk quite a bit about holiness and how many people's definitions of holiness are off-centered.
Jon and Justin talk about the legitimacy of critiquing doctrine that has been publicly taught and distributed. And then, the guys make a number of observations about the ways social and political concerns seem to be the tie that binds in many conservative Christian streams.
Jon, Justin, and Mike talk more pointedly about Federal Vision, Lordship Salvation, final justification, and biblicism. What do all of these have in common? They all, in various ways, smuggle works into faith.
The guys give pastoral counsel to the person who is wrestling with the legitimacy of his/her faith. (Hint: Our counsel involves the local church.) We also talk a little more about the state of the church in our day.
Jon and Justin encourage the listener who has struggled with assurance and who is now being told he/she is an antinomian or a hyper-grace advocate. The guys also talk obedience under the sufficiency of Christ.
Jon and Justin continue the conversation on faith alone. In particular, we talk about how the truth of justification by faith alone in Christ alone frees us up to love one another.
Jon and Justin continue the discussion around Mark Jones' article. We also take listener questions about the Marrow Controversy, Roman Catholicism, and when/how you would know someone is a false convert.