Jon and Justin talk with Pat Abendroth about the wreckage produced by a denial of a covenant of works/covenant of grace framework. We see this wreckage all around us in our day.
The guys continue the conversation on deconstructing by speaking more to those in a confessional environment about the dangers of always having to be against something. Ultimately, we need to remember that the goal of everything we do is for the saints to rest in Jesus Christ.
Jon and Justin talk about the fallout produced by a denial of the covenant of works. The guys discuss final/future justification as a part of that and then conclude with some thoughts on the sufficiency of Christ to save sinners.
Jon and Justin talk about the relationship between covenant theology and redemptive-historical theology (hint: they're the same). After that, we take a deeper dive into covenant theology. In particular, we discuss the tri-covenantal framework of redemption, works, and grace.
Jon and Justin consider how important types and shadows are in the Old Testament--and how an over-emphasis of a literal interpretation of the Old Testament is unhelpful.
Jon and Justin talk about the priesthood of the believer and how it has been misunderstood and misapplied. We also consider how we got to this place in the evangelical church where hope in Christ is often not what we are given from the pages of Scripture.