The guys discuss the value of counseling centers and how they can partner well with local churches to care for struggling saints. We also talk about the fallout of an obsession with sanctification.
Restoration Counseling Center of Asheville (that Justin mentioned):
Biblical Counseling: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Transcript)
In this episode, the guys talk about biblical counseling and the problem of pietism and hyper-introspection. We consider a confessional, Christ-centered approach to counseling that is grounded in the local church.
MEMBERS: Triumphalism (Transcript)
The guys continue the conversation on triumphalism and by considering the exhortation of Paul to walk by the Spirit so that we don't gratify the desires of the flesh.
Triumphalism (Transcript)
In this episode, the guys talk about triumphalism. The impression we're often given in the church is that we should be always and consistently improving. We should be living "the victorious Christian life." And, if we're not, we should be concerned. What do we make of all this?
MEMBERS: Depression (Transcript)
The guys talk about how to counsel people who are battling depression. We discuss mercy, compassion, the roles of Scripture, and the church, as well as practical helps.
Depression (Transcript)
In this episode, the guys talk about depression. It is a common battle. And it is understandable in a fallen world. We consider what depression is, where it comes from, and how we should recalibrate our thinking and conversation in the church.
MEMBERS: Law/Gospel Distinction (Transcript)
The guys talk about how maintaining an appropriate distinction between law and gospel leads to assurance and rest in Christ.
Law/Gospel Distinction (Transcript)
In this episode, the guys consider the distinction between the law and the gospel. God has revealed the law and the gospel in Scripture. They aren't the same thing, but yet, they are often confused. This confusion results in all kinds of fallout, including robbing the believer of assurance and peace.
Christ-Centered Preaching (Transcript)
So many of the questions we get at Theocast come down to the issue of assurance. How do we know we will be finally saved? How is it that we have peace before God- now and in the future? We talk personally of our own experiences, make some observations about evangelicalism, and then point people to Christ and his sufficiency.
MEMBERS: Christ-Centered Preaching (Transcript)
The guys continue the conversation on assurance by considering good works, the ongoing struggle with sin, and the work of Christ.
MEMBERS: Assurance (Transcript)
The guys continue the conversation on assurance by considering good works, the ongoing struggle with sin, and the work of Christ.
Assurance (Transcript)
So many of the questions we get at Theocast come down to the issue of assurance. How do we know we will be finally saved? How is it that we have peace before God- now and in the future? We talk personally of our own experiences, make some observations about evangelicalism, and then point people to Christ and his sufficiency