We’ve reached a very much anticipated conversation in our series on the Book of Revelation. How do the different views of eschatology align with our understanding of Scripture and Revelation? In today’s episode, Jon Moffitt and Doug Van Dorn will explore why “Amillennialism” (or “Realized Millennialism”) aligns best with Revelation’s symbolic and apocalyptic nature. By unpacking its literary structure, prophetic imagery, and intertextual connections with the rest of Scripture, we’ll see how Revelation presents the millennium not as a literal future age but as the present reign of Christ.
What is the Point of the Book of Revelation?
Many Christians see the book of Revelation as an overwhelming, convoluted mess of catastrophic event after catastrophic event. Continuing the series on Revelation, Jon Moffitt and Doug Van Dorn showcase the true structure of Revelation and how John uses chiasms to tell the story of Christ's victory over darkness and the evil realm! This episode clears an immense amount of confusion and allows believers to understand what the book of Revelation is conveying in its fullness!
How to Read Revelation
How should we be reading Revelation? Is it just like any other book in the Bible? Or is its full meaning revealed through a different understanding? In this episode of our series in Revelation, Jon Moffitt and Doug Van Dorn discuss the genre of literature that Revelation uses. This establishes a foundation that links together and unveils the many common questions and mysteries Christians have understanding this book.
Why Was Satan Bound in Revelation 20?
Continuing the discussion of Revelation 20, Jon Moffitt and Doug Van Dorn discuss the true meaning and purpose of the binding of Satan. Many Christians are either confused or misinformed on this subject. What does the binding of Satan mean for the church? Where is he bound? Is he unable to act? Does he still hold authority as the “god of this world?” Jon and Doug discuss this and more!
The Key of Revelation
The angel coming down? The key to the bottomless pit? Seizing the dragon? Bound him for a thousand years? All of these details in Revelation have very real significance and meaning. Using the whole of scripture, Jon and Doug identify the subjects of major importance in Revelation 20. Showcasing a sort of timeline of events that will clarify confusions Christians have regarding eschatology!
Is Satan Bound Today?
In this episode, we’re jumping right into the Book of Revelation and discussing the integral points of the binding of Satan. When was Satan bound? Is Satan bound today? Why did he need to be bound? And, what does his binding mean for us, the kingdom of God on Earth, and the future to come? Join Jon and Doug as they delve into a new series of discussions on eschatology, the Satan, and the “already, not yet” kingdom!
Is God Guilty of Genocide?
People often look at the commands of God in the Old Testament and think, “How can this be a loving God?” Even more so, He is accused of committing great injustices against large groups of people. Are these accusations justified? Why is there so much violence and killing between the Israelites and a multitude of ancient tribes? Is God guilty of genocide? Jon and Doug answer these questions and more!
The Church, Binding & Loosing
The church is much more than a physical gathering of people. There is real spiritual power when believers come together for worship in a scriptural context. In this episode, Jon and Doug discuss the true significance of fellowship and the responsibilities Christians have to one another in the relationship between the church and the believer, including church discipline, binding, and loosing.
Prayer as Spiritual Warfare?
Christians often examine their “prayer lives,” wondering if they are praying correctly, praying enough, or if their prayers are effective at all. As with other elements of the Christian life, we can rob prayer of its inherent supernatural power by imposing our own fleshly expectations upon it. In this episode, Jon and Doug discuss how prayer is less about an action and more about a lifestyle, and how this means of grace is used by our Lord to wage war in the spiritual realm.
The Lord's Table as Spiritual Warfare?
Many Christians are confused about the sacrament of the Lord’s Table, also known as communion. Some say that it is merely a memorial for remembrance only. Others say that there is a physical element of Christ within it. These focuses are missing the point of communion and the role it holds within the Christian life. Participation in the Lord’s Supper holds significant spiritual power for the believer. An emphasis on the common union between us and Christ. In this episode, Jon and Doug discuss the history of communion theology and how integral it is in the success of good over evil in the spiritual realm.
Spiritual Power in Baptism?
Baptism is more than just a tradition or historical practice, the sacrament contains very real spiritual power and reality! When Christians participate in this blessed sacrament, we receive the baptism of Christ. The means through which God shares His mercy and love are seen in baptism. In this episode, Jon and Doug discuss how baptism is a confirmation to ourselves and others of our newness of life, adoption into the family of God, and, becoming a priest of God?! We hope you find this conversation informative and encouraging! Remember your Baptism!
How is the Bible Magical?
In our attempts to make the Bible compelling to the world, we try to downplay or completely ignore the amazing, supernatural power that the gospel holds! In this episode, Jon and Doug discuss the etymology of the word gospel and how its full power is often hidden through improper teaching. The word of the Lord is more than information. It has the power to reach the depths of the soul and save the lost. Justifying, sanctifying, and glorifying us through God’s incredible sovereignty, grace, and mercy.