All throughout time, people have been trying to predict when Christ will return. After innumerable failures, most feel that trying to predict the second coming is a pointless endeavor. In this episode, Jon Moffitt and Doug Van Dorn dive deep into the etymology of the word “age” and how it is used in Scripture. Can it give us an idea of when Christ may return?
The Right View of the Millennium?
We’ve reached a very much anticipated conversation in our series on the Book of Revelation. How do the different views of eschatology align with our understanding of Scripture and Revelation? In today’s episode, Jon Moffitt and Doug Van Dorn will explore why “Amillennialism” (or “Realized Millennialism”) aligns best with Revelation’s symbolic and apocalyptic nature. By unpacking its literary structure, prophetic imagery, and intertextual connections with the rest of Scripture, we’ll see how Revelation presents the millennium not as a literal future age but as the present reign of Christ.
What is the Point of the Book of Revelation?
Many Christians see the book of Revelation as an overwhelming, convoluted mess of catastrophic event after catastrophic event. Continuing the series on Revelation, Jon Moffitt and Doug Van Dorn showcase the true structure of Revelation and how John uses chiasms to tell the story of Christ's victory over darkness and the evil realm! This episode clears an immense amount of confusion and allows believers to understand what the book of Revelation is conveying in its fullness!