Today’s reminder is from a recent Theocast episode hosted by Pastor Jon Moffitt and Pastor Justin Perdue.
Mike: I mean, one of the ways I like to say it is this: the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, true or false? And, of course, we say “yes.”
Justin: Yeah.
Mike: But dear Christian, what kind of fear do you have if you stand based on the ground of Christ’s perfect work? What kind of fear is it? And there are two kinds of fear, and it opens everything up the next time you read your Bible in Proverbs or Job 28, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom- or Ecclesiastes. There’s a kind of fear before you were a Christian that you were standing before God as judge, jury, and executioner. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God. But now, Christian, because of Christ, you don’t stand before him like that, because you don’t stand before the judge. You stand before your father, because you have Jesus, the mediator. Should you still fear him? Yes, in this way: my father is so awesome. He’s so protective. He’s provided everything. He’s the greatest father ever. I want to respond with awe, obedience, honor, reverence, and I want to do the right thing to make him look good.
Jon: It sounds like Paul, when he says walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called. You’ve been called his son. Not out of gratitude, right?
Everyday Grace 046