Stop Taking Jesus Out of the Bible

We believe that all of the Bible–from Genesis to Revelation–is a testimony about Jesus. We believe there is law and gospel in the Old and New Testaments. These convictions are historical, confessional, Reformed convictions. Yet, many in our day get very nervous about seeing Christ in all of the Bible and of understanding the Scriptures in terms of law and gospel. Our fear is that, at the end of it, well-meaning people discourage the saints from seeing Christ for them in all of the Scriptures. Jon and Justin talk about this on today’s episode.

There Will Be Weakness

We are often made to think that the Christian life is one where we move from triumph to triumph–and from spiritual experience to spiritual experience. But that is not reality. It is not the promise of the Scripture. This side of the resurrection, we are learning to trust Christ in the midst of weakness and the battle against the flesh. We are learning to depend more upon grace. It is not a bad thing for us to come to a place where we know Christ is all we have. The guys consider all of this in today’s episode.

Take Up Your Cross?

“Take up your cross and follow me.” What did Jesus mean when he said that? Is he calling us to hate our wives, kids, and parents? Is he calling us to be willing to suffer anything if we are going to be his followers? Is he laying down a test of radical discipleship? Or is he calling us to something else?

Comforts from the Cross (Transcript)

Sometimes we think we have understood the gospel and maybe have even gotten to the bottom of it–only to have God blow up our hearts and minds with the wonder of the gospel anew. In this episode, Jon and Justin talk about the comfort of the work of Christ.

MEMBERS: Comforts from the Cross (Transcript)

Today on Theocast, Jon and I talk about the fact that sometimes as Christians we think that we have understood the gospel, foolishly thinking we have reached the bottom and that there’s not a lot left for us to understand. Then God comes in, graciously and lovingly, and explodes our hearts and minds with the wonder, truth, mercy, and grace of the gospel. 

We talk today about comforts from the Cross; the fact that when Jesus died and said that it is finished, that he had accomplished redemption and that his glory, righteousness, merits, and life were counted to wretched sinners like us. We talk about that and its implications in the church. 

In the members podcast, we consider self-righteousness and how bad it is in the church, and how if we understand the gospel rightly then it should promote love and unity because we understand that we all have the same righteousness – namely the righteousness of Christ. We hope that this conversation is encouraging to you.

Comforts from the Cross

Sometimes we think we have understood the gospel and maybe have even gotten to the bottom of it–only to have God blow up our hearts and minds with the wonder of the gospel anew. In this episode, Jon and Justin talk about the comfort of the work of Christ.