Missing the Gospel in John 3

In listening to a lot of preaching today, it’s clear that it’s possible to talk about the gospel or even about the work of God without actually getting around to preaching the gospel itself—preaching Jesus Christ for sinners. This can happen with any number of passages, but today Jon and Justin are going to have a conversation about a well-known text: the interchange between Jesus and Nicodemus from John chapter three. There’s a lot of truly epic content in this passage, including the sovereign grace of God, the work of God, and regeneration in the new birth. Unfortunately, the gospel message within this passage—the Son of Man being lifted up for us—is often not talked about enough. We hope this discussion is encouraging and clarifying for you.

The Old Testament Preaches the Gospel

Many Christians struggle with reading and understanding the Old Testament. They know it’s supposed to be about Jesus, and they’ve read the New Testament, but they’re just disconnected from the Old. Today’s podcast is our attempt to give you reasons why you should read your Old Testament. By doing so, you will see the wonder and glory it defines for us, which leads us to Christ and His grace.

Are “gods” Real?

Are there other gods? Are the other gods seen in the Bible just idols or are they real entities? We know the one, true God holds sovereignty over all, so how do these other gods operate in the spiritual realm and our reality? Jon and Doug delve into these questions and more.

Un-Perplexing the Old Testament

For many people, when they go to Old Testament, they leave confused. The Old Testament seems to be a disjointed collection of stories and full of different kinds of literature that don’t seem to hang together. When seen through the lens of covenant theology, the Old Testament, is a cohesive presentation of God and his plan to save sinners through his promised Christ. Who is this God? What is he like? Can he be trusted? How will he save us? Jon and Justin discuss these questions and more in today’s episode.

Proverbs: Where is Jesus? (Transcript)

In this episode, Jon and Justin talk about Proverbs. It’s one of the most-read books in the Bible, but honestly, many of us don’t know what to do with it. Is Jesus in Proverbs? How do we understand and apply the book?

Proverbs: Where Is Jesus?

In this episode, Jon and Justin talk about Proverbs. It’s one of the most-read books in the Bible, but honestly, many of us don’t know what to do with it. Is Jesus in Proverbs? How do we understand and apply the book?