The Meat of the Word IS NOT About Your Obedience
If you think the “meat of the word” is about our obedience and what we do, this episode is for you. Jon and Justin explain how holiness and obedience is a fruit of our growth in Christ–but how to eat the meat of the word is to grow in our understanding of the gospel of Christ, our union with Christ, the mystery of Christ, and even of the local church.
Why Does Holiness Make Us Cringe?
Be Holy! This word triggers many thoughts for some that are the opposite of what we would consider to be good and beneficial. Why holiness matters often has more to do with negative feelings and outcomes instead of the benefits and beauty it reflects. Jon finishes looking at 1 Peter 1 and helps change your perspective of cringing at the thought of holiness to finding joy and hope.
John Piper on Holiness
In this episode, Jon and Justin discuss a message recently given by John Piper on Christ’s death and the holiness of the believer. The guys interact with clips from the message and seek to consider it from a biblical, confessional, and Reformed perspective. At Theocast, we are in complete agreement that Christ’s work has secured the holiness of the saints. Significant things to consider along these lines are: union with Christ; the active obedience of Christ; the relationship of justification and sanctification; and the proper way to preach the law and the gospel.
Does Hebrew 10:26 teach that we can and should reach a certain level of perfection?
Does Hebrew 10:26 teach that we can and should reach a certain level of perfection?
Answered by Jimmy Buehler
The Biblical and Historical Problems with Spiritual Disciplines Part 1
Let’s take a quick simple survey:
Can you name five spiritual disciplines? What do you believe is the most important discipline? What do you believe is the purpose of the disciplines?