Train Wrecks Welcomed
Fairly regularly, we see posts or correspondence discouraging people from listening to Theocast because this podcast attracts those whose lives are shipwrecked. From our perspective, we are happy to receive such a compliment. Jesus came to seek and save the lost. He came to save sinners. He came for the weak and frail. He came for those who were weighed down by guilt and shame. This is the gospel. And, here’s the thing: it is anything but the celebration and condoning of sin.
Friend of Sinners?
Why were the outcasts of the culture drawn to Jesus? Why did they consider him to be their friend? In today’s episode, Jon speaks to how the gospel should be the sweat aroma that draws sinners to us, not repel them away. Those who know they are saved by grace should be the most pleasant to be around in the world, but often they feel judged and confused. We love sinners, but we do not affirm their sin. We point to the rest found in Christ, which is freedom from sin.