A Man’s Fight for Faith Against Satan’s Lies

No battle plan will lead to disaster. In this episode, Jon discusses the pursuits of men that are good and noble, but can become a distraction for us and lead us to disaster. Are we pursuing things that are good? Why are we constantly disappointed even when pursuing these good things? Should we be pinning our hope in the success of our pursuits?

A Christian Man’s Battle with Self-Worth

Men often value things like wealth, status, body shape, and strength, but are these the things men should be focusing on? Should we be placing our identity in these things? In this episode of the Kingsmen Podcast, Jon discusses the importance of understanding our own weaknesses and short comings, and how an identity firmly planted in Christ can bring about rest within a Christian man’s battle with self-worth.

What is Biblical Manhood?

In the first episode of the new Kingsmen Podcast from Theocast, Pastor Jon Moffitt describes biblical manhood. The voices speaking into the arena of biblical manhood seem to be all over the road. Being a biblical man is not about how strong you are. It’s about knowing who you are and what you have been called to do. Join us each week as we look to our King in his book to learn how it is to find true and meaningful purpose for our lives as Christian men in a broken world.

How To Be Biblical Men In A Broken World

In today’s episode, Jon discusses how men can recognize and approach their own weakness in the context of Christ and his Gospel. How can we be Godly men in a broken, sinful world? How do we as men relate to our God? Jon discusses these questions and more on today’s episode of the Kingsmen Podcast from Theocast.

Looking For A Biblical Podcast About Manhood? | Kingsmen Podcast by Theocast

From hunting bears to taking down liberal political agendas, the voices speaking into the arena of biblical manhood seem to be all over the road. This podcast is designed to help men of all ages find their true purpose and meaning in life as citizens of the King. Being a biblical man is not about how strong you are. It’s about knowing who you are and what you have been called to do. Join us each week as we look to our King in his book to learn how it is to find true and meaningful purpose for our lives as Christian men in a broken world.