Left Behind? (A Conversation on Eschatology)

Jon and Justin have a discussion on views of eschatology and how it has affected modern biblical interpretation. Do historical Dispensational views contradict the clear teaching of Scripture on the atoning work of Christ? Is one’s view on eschatology a measure of orthodoxy? Should our views of eschatology drive the rest of our theology, or is it the other way around?

Spiritual Power in Baptism?

Baptism is more than just a tradition or historical practice, the sacrament contains very real spiritual power and reality! When Christians participate in this blessed sacrament, we receive the baptism of Christ. The means through which God shares His mercy and love are seen in baptism. In this episode, Jon and Doug discuss how baptism is a confirmation to ourselves and others of our newness of life, adoption into the family of God, and, becoming a priest of God?! We hope you find this conversation informative and encouraging! Remember your Baptism!

Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering?

If God is both sovereign and good, why does He allow evil and suffering in the world? These are questions we often ask. For Justin, who lives in Asheville, North Carolina, they’ve just gone through a hurricane, so there are many people asking these questions. Today, Jon and Justin are having a conversation about this, and we acknowledge that we don’t have specific answers to every question. The secret things belong to the Lord. But we’re going to talk about God—His power, His character, His nature, His love for us—and the truths we know about Him that anchor our souls when everything else is giving way. We hope this conversation encourages you and offers you hope.

How is the Bible Magical?

In our attempts to make the Bible compelling to the world, we try to downplay or completely ignore the amazing, supernatural power that the gospel holds! In this episode, Jon and Doug discuss the etymology of the word gospel and how its full power is often hidden through improper teaching. The word of the Lord is more than information. It has the power to reach the depths of the soul and save the lost. Justifying, sanctifying, and glorifying us through God’s incredible sovereignty, grace, and mercy.

An Introduction to the Law and Gospel Distinction

The distinction between law and gospel is one of the most important topics covered at Theocast, as it lies at the heart of resting in Christ. Many struggle with trusting in Christ’s sufficiency because they mistakenly mix the law with the gospel, believing there’s something they must do to earn God’s acceptance. This episode compiles key points from previous episodes to help clarify this important distinction and encourage listeners to rest in Christ’s finished work.

Jesus Knocking at the Door…of Hell!

Christians around the world don’t understand the real significance behind many of the most famous Psalms. The key to understanding the pictures described in these Psalms is a full view of the supernatural battle that takes place throughout the entire Bible. Centering all around Jesus, His work on earth, and His conquering of Hell, the evil realm, and of the beings that rebel against the one, true God.

Reading the Bible Through Law/Gospel Lenses

Is there a right and wrong way to read your Bible? We’re going to argue that yes, there is. There’s a dangerous way where passages are misapplied—for example, reading the law as gospel or the gospel as law, which leads to confusion and distorts the message. In today’s podcast, we discuss how to read your Bible with a law-gospel distinction. We’ll cover how to think about different parts of the Bible, like narratives, Psalms, Proverbs, prophecy, and the New Testament gospels, ensuring you approach them with the right perspective to avoid muddying the gospel.

Satan, Baal, and Zeus?

Satan, the arch-villain of the entire Biblical narrative. How should Christians understand “the Satan” in relation to history, their lives, and the supernatural battle against evil? What insights can scripture show us into how Satan operates and the kind of power he holds as “the prince of this world.” How has Satan demonstrated his grip on the world throughout history?

Gospel Shrewdness and Discernment Ministries

Today’s conversation is one that Jon and Justin wanted to have as they look at the broader Christian landscape. Even within their own churches, it seems that many Christians operate out of fear and are overly concerned with certain theological directions. This fear may prevent us from partnering with sincere, well-meaning Christians to promote the gospel and could stunt our own growth by keeping us from learning from those outside our tradition, who have valuable insights on many aspects of the Christian life. This episode is two pastors processing things in real time, and we hope it will be helpful, freeing, and comforting for you.

Genesis 6 and the Sethite Heresy

What is the origin of the naturalistic view of Genesis 6? There is a surprisingly alarming and sinister history to the conception and widespread acceptance of the Sethite, non-supernatural view of scripture. In this episode, Jon and Doug give an overview and summary of Doug’s article on the origin and history of the Sethite heresy and how it was used to discredit Jesus and His divine authority!

How Humility Helps Us

When you hear the word “humility,” what comes to mind? How do you feel when you recall how a pastor, perhaps in your past, spoke to you about the need to be humble? How did that affect you? In today’s episode, Jon and Justin have a conversation about humility—specifically, humbling ourselves before and under the mighty hand of God. The purpose of humility may not be what you’re expecting. It leads to much good, because God is mighty to save and deliver us. He is our faithful God who loves us and desires that we come to Him with all our anxieties and burdens. All of this is tied to being humble before Him. We hope this episode comforts and encourages you in Christ.

Is New Theology Bad?

As confessional pastors, Jon and Doug hold historic, biblical theology in high regard. However, tradition is not our highest authority. Scripture is our highest authority! That being said, is newer theology that differs from church tradition inherently bad, worse, or even, dangerous?

Assurance of Salvation? (w/ Room for Nuance)

Jon and Justin were recently invited onto the Room for Nuance podcast with Sean DeMars to discuss various topics surrounding assurance of salvation, law-gospel distinction, and the relationship between faith and works. We hope you find this conversation informative and encouraging!

Can We Cast Out Demons?

Demon exorcisms, pulling demons out of people, casting out demons… Are these things Christians should be trying to do? Do we even hold the power to do so? Popular culture, sensationalism, and media would say yes, but what does scripture say about these phenomena? Unsurprisingly, the common ideas of these actions are far off from how the Bible instructs us to fight this supernatural, spiritual warfare of good versus evil!

The Gospel of Sincere Obedience

Oh no, Jon and Justin are talking about obedience again. Yes, we are—and it’s an important subject because, to be frank, we truly want everyone who listens to this podcast to obey sincerely. The question is, how is that accomplished? There is no good news for those who only emphasize obedience. We have to look to a power beyond ourselves, and that’s what we’re going to be discussing today.

Can A Christian Be Demon Possessed?

Demon possession? Demon oppression? Like with many things Jon and Doug have discussed, we see these concepts all throughout popular culture and art, but are these concepts biblical? Today, we’ll be answering your questions about the powers of these evil spiritual forces as well as their limitations. And, most importantly, how we can defend our heart, mind, and body with Christ as our mighty fortress!

How to Disagree as Christians

We live in a time where we’re prone to throw mud, be condescending, self-righteous, and accusatory, and we often misrepresent those with whom we disagree. This behavior doesn’t seem to align with what Scripture teaches about being gentle, kind, patient, and avoiding arguments. So, today, Jon and Justin are going to talk about that. We’ll also discuss the hope we have, our citizenship in heaven, and our Savior, Jesus, and how all of this should inform our posture and interactions with others. We hope this conversation is helpful to you.

Where Do Demons Come From?

We’ve all likely heard at some point that the origin of demons is that they are fallen angels, but is this true? What can historical understandings of the supernatural world from church fathers all throughout history tell us about these evil spiritual beings? Jon and Doug discuss the origin of demons and the ripples they have on our understanding of the Lord’s victory over the evil realm.

Radical Discipleship

Do you ever wake up thinking, “I just don’t do enough for God”? You feel like you need to be doing more. You see so many people with radical ministries and faith, helping so many, and all you do is, well, just go to church. If this sounds familiar, this podcast is for you. The idea of radical discipleship—the belief that you need to do more or something extraordinary for God—creates a pressure that God never intended for anyone to bear. Yet, He gives you a promise of how you can contribute to His kingdom, and it’s called, well, ordinary.

What Are Angels?

Anyone who is even slightly familiar with Christianity has an idea of what angels are. However, just like hell, heaven, and Satan, our knowledge and understanding of angels is largely shaped by our cultural history and the media we consume. In this episode, Jon and Doug clarify what angels actually are. Delving into topics like the definition of “Elohim,” the appearance of angels in the Bible, and the role they play in the kingdom of God.

Law and Gospel (w/ Remnant Radio)

Today’s episode is a special one. Jon and Justin were recently interviewed by the hosts of Remnant Radio, Josh and Michael, and had a great conversation about all things law and gospel. We discussed the history, confusing passages, and how it is often misused to rob us of assurance. More importantly, we explored how, when used correctly, it can provide deep assurance. We hope you find this conversation encouraging!