In the first of two episodes on theonomy, Jon and Justin seek to generally define theonomy and then respond to it theologically. The guys consider a confessional understanding of the threefold division of the law, the distinction between moral and positive law, and 1689 Federalism as safeguards against theonomy.
Note: Semper Reformanda is included in today’s episode.
Who Does the Gospel Offend?
At multiple points, Paul writes that he is not ashamed of the gospel. Why did he need to write that? What is it about the gospel that could bring shame on someone who preaches it--or believes it? The gospel offends us in our self-righteousness. That’s clear. It also offends us in our licentiousness. The truth of our union with Christ and liberation from sin’s dominion can fly in the face of the desires of our flesh. In all of this, the Lord has us and will complete the good work he has begun in us! Jon and Justin talk about all of this on today’s episode.
Why God Rejects Your Righteousness (Romans 5:12-21)
In today’s episode, Jon and Justin consider how our own righteousness only leads to death. In Romans 5:12-21, Paul makes it clear that we have all been counted with Adam’s guilt--and that the only hope we have is that we would be counted with Christ’s righteousness. By faith, Jesus becomes our representative. This is great news! We have gained more in Jesus than we lost in Adam. This is the message of the entire Bible.
The Function of Men and Women in the Church and in the Home (Part 2)
In today’s episode, Jon and Justin continue a lengthy conversation about men and women--and how we relate to one another in the home and in the church. There has been a lot of cultural baggage that has influenced the church through history on these matters. There has been a lot of pain caused and damage done. This conversation is not comprehensive or exhaustive. We thank you for listening with charity and kindness, as we all seek to grow in our understanding.
The Function of Men and Women in the Church and in the Home (Part 1)
In today’s episode, Jon and Justin begin a lengthy conversation about men and women--and how we relate to one another in the home and in the church. There has been a lot of cultural baggage that has influenced the church through history on these matters. There has been a lot of pain caused and damage done. This conversation is not comprehensive or exhaustive. We thank you for listening with charity and kindness, as we all seek to grow in our understanding.
From Death to Comfort (Ezekiel 36-37)
In today’s episode, Jon and Justin talk about the fact that it is God who saves sinners--meaning, he does it all. From the beginning to the very end, salvation is a work of God. He brings us all the way home. To have this conversation, the guys consider Ezekiel 36 and 37. The Lord says some strong things about our condition and about his work. May our souls be comforted in him.
Christian, There Will Be Sin (w/ Ken Jones)
For today’s episode, Jon and Justin are joined by Ken Jones (pastor of Glendale Baptist Church and host of Saints and Sinners Unplugged). The guys talk about the fact that Christians will sin--perhaps very badly for a really long time. What is the normal Christian experience? If we have been united to Christ and justified in him, how should we think about our battle against the corruption of our flesh? How can is it the church can be a safe place for sinners?
Revivalism (w/ Ken Jones)
For today’s episode, Jon and Justin are joined by Ken Jones (pastor of Glendale Baptist Church and host of Saints and Sinners Unplugged). The guys talk about revivalism. There are two distinct traditions within American Protestantism: one is the confessional/ordinary means of grace tradition; the other pietistic and revivalistic. What are the differences between the two? What about the First Great Awakening? What is it that characterizes any genuine movement of God?
Where's Jesus in Our Preaching? (w/ Ken Jones)
For today’s episode, Jon and Justin are joined by Ken Jones (pastor of Glendale Baptist Church and host of Saints and Sinners Unplugged). The guys talk about what it is to preach Christ from all of Scripture--and how there are many approaches to preaching that claim the label “Christ-centered” but are not really heralding the person and work of Jesus to sinners. And what about application in preaching? How should we think about that?
Pitfalls for the Reformed
In today's episode, Jon and Justin reflect on the world of conservative reformed Christianity. Taking a dive into dead orthodoxy on one side to pietism and revivalism on the other, the guys ask: how did we get here? What is God expecting? Can we identify these pitfalls in our own lives? This episode is not about just pointing out faults but being able to recognize harmful habits we've fallen into and moving past them.
What's It Like to Leave Emotionalism? (w/ Chris Gordon)
While on the west coast, Jon and Justin were invited by Chris Gordon (host of Abounding Grace Radio and pastor of Escondido United Reformed Church) to do some recording. This episode is the third portion of that conversation. The guys talk about what it’s like for an evangelical to walk into a confessional church. What is hard? What is confusing? Yet what is it that’s so attractive? What are pastoral concerns for those making the transition out of emotionalism?
Resting in Jesus Christ
The objective in this episode is simple: to talk about the sufficiency of Jesus Christ and the rest he provides to sinners. In order to do that, Jon and Justin consider the law, the judgement seat, and the gospel--which is the power of God for salvation to all who believe. We ought not be afraid of wrath or condemnation. We ought not be afraid to go to Jesus in our time of need. He really does bid us to come to him for rest.