Today’s reminder is from Jon Moffitt, Pastor of Grace Reformed Church in Spring Hill, TN.
First of all, guys and ladies and gentlemen, in your marriages, I want you to think about your last argument. I want you to run it through this filter. I, unfortunately, had the opportunity to do that this week. Uh, I was wrong. Am I glorifying God at this moment? In this argument, is God’s name being praised? Do you know how many arguments that shuts down or maybe alters the tone a little bit?
Is the kingdom of God the greatest desire I have at this moment, or is it my kingdom? Is it my desire at this moment? And can I truly say that I am loving God with all of my heart at the moment in this argument? And I’m definitely loving my spouse sacrificially and unconditionally at this moment?
For those of you that have done some counseling with me, this might sound familiar. It’s amazing how our sinful desires absolutely destroy our marriages and our parenting and relationships. They destroy us.
One other way of thinking about this is your life decisions. Next time you make a major life decision that affects your time and income, or even your location: am I glorifying God at this moment with what I am seeking, or am I trying to satisfy a portion of my flesh? Am I seeking the greatest good and the desire of the kingdom, or am I seeking something that is earthly?
When Jesus says, “Seek ye…” what “the kingdom of God first.” Am I seeking that first, or am I seeking my flesh first? And lastly, am I loving God in this decision more? Is something eclipsing in front of God, which is keeping me from not only loving God as I should but loving others in this decision? By the way, sometimes we make decisions, and we say, well, I have peace about it. I don’t care how peaceful you are. If it’s unbiblical, it’s unbiblical.
But here’s what’s wonderful about all of this. We remember the promise. I am in a world where you decree that I’m going to die because of the curse of Adam. And while I’m waiting, though, the other part of your decree is that you have chosen me to be your son, and there’s an already part that I receive all the spiritual blessings, which means I’m going to receive peace and joy and comfort and hope and purpose and meaning.
And then secondly, this isn’t it. The not-yet part is when he brings me into the new world. Then I will live as I desire to live. Now, see, heaven is not you floating on a cloud, playing the harp, and holding golden hymn books. Heaven is this: in the presence of Christ without sin and death.
Everyday Grace 021