Kingdom Podcast

A weekly podcast that encourages listeners to think about their lives in light of the King and seek first the Kingdom of God.

Jon Moffitt

About The Host

Jon Moffitt  is the senior pastor of Grace Reformed Church in Spring Hill, TN. He is one of the founding members and director of Theocast Ministries.

More About Jon

From hunting bears to taking down liberal political agendas, the voices speaking into the arena of biblical manhood seem to be all over the road.

This podcast is designed to help men of all ages find their true purpose and meaning in life as citizens of the King. Being a biblical man is not about how strong you are. It’s about knowing who you are and what you have been called to do. Join us each week as we look to our King in his book to learn how it is to find a true and meaningful purpose for our lives as Christian men in a broken world.
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Recent Episodes

Demons, Gods, Giants, and the Bible (w/ Doug Van Dorn)

Demons, Gods, Giants, and the Bible (w/ Doug Van Dorn)

The Bible talks about a lot of supernatural things that most of modern Christianity seems to ignore. These are important…
Talking to the Dead! (w/ Doreen Virtue)

Talking to the Dead! (w/ Doreen Virtue)

Mediums?! Occultism?! Speaking to the dead?! These are all things some of us may not be familiar with, but these…
Why Do I Struggle to Seek God's Kingdom?

Why Do I Struggle to Seek God's Kingdom?

How do we seek first the kingdom of God? What is the purpose of the kingdom? Can we really, honestly,…