Written by Jon Moffitt
This week, a valuable discussion took place between Chris Gordon and Doug Wilson on @agradeo1.
(Full video and comments can be found here: Link).
Within the first 24 hours of the video being live, there were over 1,000 comments, many of which were pointedly critical of Chris Gordon, and at times, extremely uncharitable. In response, Doug Wilson posted a blog entry titled “An Admonition to Some of My Peeps,” where he noted that comments from his supporters had begun to “sink to personalities.” He urged his followers to refrain from heckling or mocking Chris Gordon and requested that any such comments be deleted.
It’s important to note that while Doug Wilson’s request for civility is commendable, his sharp rhetoric and often condescending tone towards critics have been well-documented. Denny Burk’s article “The Serrated Edge of Doug Wilson ” (link) provides an extensive critique of his harsh and crass language.
Paul’s instruction to Timothy is pertinent here: “And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness” (2 Timothy 2:24-25). This passage emphasizes that we should do so with kindness and patience in standing for truth.
I hope that Doug Wilson and his followers will take this message to heart, not as a critique but as a call to approach discussions with greater charity. Engaging in respectful dialogue and avoiding cutting sarcasm can lead to more productive and fruitful conversations, offering a hopeful outlook for future interactions.
I deeply appreciate the gracious demeanor shown by Jared Longshore and Doug Wilson during their recent conversation. Their respectful conduct is not just acknowledged, but deeply valued, and I pray that this spirit of respect continues in future discussions across all platforms and ministries.
Other posts or podcasts concerning Doug Wilson: