Is Satan Bound Today?

In this episode, we’re jumping right into the Book of Revelation and discussing the integral points of the binding of Satan. When was Satan bound? Is Satan bound today? Why did he need to be bound? And, what does his binding mean for us, the kingdom of God on Earth, and the future to come? Join Jon and Doug as they delve into a new series of discussions on eschatology, the Satan, and the “already, not yet” kingdom!

Is God Guilty of Genocide?

People often look at the commands of God in the Old Testament and think, “How can this be a loving God?” Even more so, He is accused of committing great injustices against large groups of people. Are these accusations justified? Why is there so much violence and killing between the Israelites and a multitude of ancient tribes? Is God guilty of genocide? Jon and Doug answer these questions and more!

The Church, Binding & Loosing

The church is much more than a physical gathering of people. There is real spiritual power when believers come together for worship in a scriptural context. In this episode, Jon and Doug discuss the true significance of fellowship and the responsibilities Christians have to one another in the relationship between the church and the believer, including church discipline, binding, and loosing.

Prayer as Spiritual Warfare?

Christians often examine their “prayer lives,” wondering if they are praying correctly, praying enough, or if their prayers are effective at all. As with other elements of the Christian life, we can rob prayer of its inherent supernatural power by imposing our own fleshly expectations upon it. In this episode, Jon and Doug discuss how prayer is less about an action and more about a lifestyle, and how this means of grace is used by our Lord to wage war in the spiritual realm.

The Lord’s Table as Spiritual Warfare?

Many Christians are confused about the sacrament of the Lord’s Table, also known as communion. Some say that it is merely a memorial for remembrance only. Others say that there is a physical element of Christ within it. These focuses are missing the point of communion and the role it holds within the Christian life. Participation in the Lord’s Supper holds significant spiritual power for the believer. An emphasis on the common union between us and Christ. In this episode, Jon and Doug discuss the history of communion theology and how integral it is in the success of good over evil in the spiritual realm.

Spiritual Power in Baptism?

Baptism is more than just a tradition or historical practice, the sacrament contains very real spiritual power and reality! When Christians participate in this blessed sacrament, we receive the baptism of Christ. The means through which God shares His mercy and love are seen in baptism. In this episode, Jon and Doug discuss how baptism is a confirmation to ourselves and others of our newness of life, adoption into the family of God, and, becoming a priest of God?! We hope you find this conversation informative and encouraging! Remember your Baptism!

How is the Bible Magical?

In our attempts to make the Bible compelling to the world, we try to downplay or completely ignore the amazing, supernatural power that the gospel holds! In this episode, Jon and Doug discuss the etymology of the word gospel and how its full power is often hidden through improper teaching. The word of the Lord is more than information. It has the power to reach the depths of the soul and save the lost. Justifying, sanctifying, and glorifying us through God’s incredible sovereignty, grace, and mercy.

Jesus Knocking at the Door…of Hell!

Christians around the world don’t understand the real significance behind many of the most famous Psalms. The key to understanding the pictures described in these Psalms is a full view of the supernatural battle that takes place throughout the entire Bible. Centering all around Jesus, His work on earth, and His conquering of Hell, the evil realm, and of the beings that rebel against the one, true God.

Satan, Baal, and Zeus?

Satan, the arch-villain of the entire Biblical narrative. How should Christians understand “the Satan” in relation to history, their lives, and the supernatural battle against evil? What insights can scripture show us into how Satan operates and the kind of power he holds as “the prince of this world.” How has Satan demonstrated his grip on the world throughout history?

Genesis 6 and the Sethite Heresy

What is the origin of the naturalistic view of Genesis 6? There is a surprisingly alarming and sinister history to the conception and widespread acceptance of the Sethite, non-supernatural view of scripture. In this episode, Jon and Doug give an overview and summary of Doug’s article on the origin and history of the Sethite heresy and how it was used to discredit Jesus and His divine authority!

Is New Theology Bad?

As confessional pastors, Jon and Doug hold historic, biblical theology in high regard. However, tradition is not our highest authority. Scripture is our highest authority! That being said, is newer theology that differs from church tradition inherently bad, worse, or even, dangerous?

Can We Cast Out Demons?

Demon exorcisms, pulling demons out of people, casting out demons… Are these things Christians should be trying to do? Do we even hold the power to do so? Popular culture, sensationalism, and media would say yes, but what does scripture say about these phenomena? Unsurprisingly, the common ideas of these actions are far off from how the Bible instructs us to fight this supernatural, spiritual warfare of good versus evil!

Can A Christian Be Demon Possessed?

Demon possession? Demon oppression? Like with many things Jon and Doug have discussed, we see these concepts all throughout popular culture and art, but are these concepts biblical? Today, we’ll be answering your questions about the powers of these evil spiritual forces as well as their limitations. And, most importantly, how we can defend our heart, mind, and body with Christ as our mighty fortress!

Where Do Demons Come From?

We’ve all likely heard at some point that the origin of demons is that they are fallen angels, but is this true? What can historical understandings of the supernatural world from church fathers all throughout history tell us about these evil spiritual beings? Jon and Doug discuss the origin of demons and the ripples they have on our understanding of the Lord’s victory over the evil realm.

What Are Angels?

Anyone who is even slightly familiar with Christianity has an idea of what angels are. However, just like hell, heaven, and Satan, our knowledge and understanding of angels is largely shaped by our cultural history and the media we consume. In this episode, Jon and Doug clarify what angels actually are. Delving into topics like the definition of “Elohim,” the appearance of angels in the Bible, and the role they play in the kingdom of God.

Did Jesus Descend Into Hell?

Why does the Apostles’ Creed say that Jesus “descended into hell?” There are many frequently asked questions regarding this statement. What does “hell” mean, and where does Jesus really go after the crucifixion? In scripture, we see several Greek and Hebrew words translated as “hell.” Our culture and media have also distorted our idea of what words like hades, land of the dead, and paradise truly mean, even in largely Christian circles. We hope you find this conversation informative!

Psalm 82 is About Jesus

“You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you; nevertheless, like men you shall die, and fall like any prince.” What does this mean? Psalm 82 showcases God taking his place among the divine council in the midst of the gods. Jon and Doug discuss how this Psalm is truly about Jesus and His work to deliver His people from darkness.

Babel, Ziggurats, and Cosmic Mountains

What was the purpose of the Tower of Babel? What were they trying to achieve, connect, or, communicate with? How do the events of Genesis 11 connect to the overarching meta-narrative of the Bible? Jon and Doug continue their conversation on the Tower of Babel, ziggurats, cosmic mountains, and more!

The Gods and the Tower of Babel

What is the true significance of the tower of Babel account in Genesis? What are the parallels between Babel and what is known as a “cosmic mountain?” How does the way God operates with humanity showcase His divine and supreme authority? Jon and Doug discuss these questions and more!

Reformed Thoughts on Michael Heiser

Many of you may be familiar with Michael Heiser and his works discussing the divine council worldview. Despite great contributions within his books, some of his writings are very concerning to many with a Calvinistic and Reformed persuasion. In this episode, Jon and Doug discuss their experiences with Heiser’s books and how we should interact with agreeable and disagreeable ideas from the same author.