The Foolishness of Faith Alone
Many struggle with the idea that God requires nothing of sinners to be saved by his grace. Even their faith, which points to their salvation, is gifted to them by God (Eph 2:8-9). Sola fide “faith alone” is more about the object of our salvation than the one with faith. Jesus saves sinners. This is what we are putting our faith in. It is not faith in our faith. How do good works then play into “faith alone?” In this episode, Jon walks the listener through several passages of scripture connecting our relationship with Jesus by faith alone.
The “Prove Yourself” Gospel
It is Reformation Week. And here at Theocast, in the tradition of the Reformation, we always seek to clarify the gospel. When we do, people respond in somewhat predictable ways. “Well, you do believe that Christians are required to obey, right?” “Obedience is required for salvation.” Are these questions indicative of misunderstanding? How should we respond to these kinds of questions? Jon and Justin double down on union with Christ by faith in today’s episode.
Easy-Listening Legalism
Jon and Justin follow up on the conversation last week about smuggling works into faith. Today’s episode is a little different than the norm. The guys critique teaching from John Piper, John MacArthur, and Doug Wilson on the relationship between faith and works. Multiple excerpts and quotes are cited, all of which are available in the show notes. The reason for this episode is to defend the clarity of the gospel–that we are saved by Christ alone and receive his merits by faith alone, apart from any works we could ever do.
Smuggling Works into Faith (with Mike Abendroth)
Jon and Justin are joined by Mike Abendroth, pastor of Bethlehem Bible Church and host of No Compromise Radio. The guys have a conversation about faith–and, in particular, how works are often smuggled into faith in the evangelical church. How do we appropriately define saving faith? How do we understand the relationship between faith and works? Why is it that obedience, love, and good works are regularly woven into the definition of faith?
Is My Faith Legit?
Is your faith genuine? We all struggle. We all wrestle. We all doubt. That’s part of what it means to be fallen, but this produces real questions: Is the message regarding faith in Christ legitimate? If so, what is saving faith? How should we define it? And what about that bit about the demons believing? Jon and Justin seek to answer these questions from the Scripture and from the confessions.
Faith Never Saved Anyone
Here’s a controversial statement: Faith never saved anybody. While that may sound shocking to many Christians, it’s true. Faith doesn’t save sinners; Jesus does. Faith is simply the means through which the merit and work of Christ are applied to us. Jon and Justin talk about the confusion that exists in the church today and how we tend to place our faith in things that don’t save.
“Faith Alone” Is Radical
In this episode, Jon and Justin talk about sola fide (faith alone). It is a radical message. We seek to briefly clarify the doctrine before moving on to discuss the implications of it and the importance of guarding it.