We Need Your Help
Please consider giving to our ministry so we can reach more people with the message of resting in Christ. We would like to raise $25,000 in the next 25 days, which will increase our capacity to reach more people with our ministry. Over the next six months, we are asking for another $25,000 to create a global awareness of our ministry. In total, this $50,000 will provide the needed resources for ministries of Theocast such as a church network, a pastor’s network, church planting, and conferences.
If you would like to help, please visit Theocast.org/give
Reformed Spirituality (4 Week Class)
OVERVIEW This course will seek to orient the Christian life within a reformed perspective by rethinking the evangelical construct of spiritual disciplines and learning to live within the freedom of faith in Christ. Over the five weeks of this course, we hope to reshape our approach to the Christian life by replacing the dread of […]