Biblicists Beware!

Biblicism might sound like a good thing…but it’s not. Biblicism is a methodology that tends to introduce confusion and mystery into the Scriptures where there isn’t any. It also tends to confuse doctrinal and theological categories such as law/gospel distinction and faith versus works. Jon and Justin consider these things and more in this episode.

Experiencing God

A lot of times when we look at our lives, we question the grace of God. Maybe that’s because of how we’re doing, spiritually. Or it could be because our circumstances are hard. We wrestle with whether God really is graciously inclined toward us. What is the antidote to this? It is to look to Christ. He is the evidence of God’s grace toward us.

The Insufficiency of Christ

“Jesus-plus” theology has always been popular. People add things to the gospel and to Jesus in order to legitimize their Christian lives. Is Jesus really enough for us? Not just for our salvation, but for our Christian lives? Aren’t there other things we need to be concerned for? Jon and Justin consider this and more.

Leaving Dispensationalism

Our listeners have been asking for a podcast about leaving dispensationalism. We try to give the people what they want! Jon and Justin talk about why we are not dispensational. We talk personally and theologically, covering topics such as: the redemptive-historical framework of Scripture, covenant theology, law/gospel distinction, sanctification, and the ordinary means of grace.

Struggling with the Church

Many people struggle with the church. We go and it feels plastic. Inauthentic. Or it seems like the church is full of people who understand themselves to be crushing it. And so, it doesn’t seem there is a place for the weak or miserable sinner. As a result, many people are disenchanted with the church. Where did all this come from? Is there something better?

Jesus, Gentle and Lowly

What is the posture of Jesus toward those who trust him? In Matthew 11, Jesus invites the weary to come to him that they might find rest. He says he is gentle and lowly in heart. Is that how you have heard Jesus presented? Or have you been told that he is harsh, exacting, and probably disappointed in you?

Depart from Me (Dazed and Confused: Matthew 7)

“I never knew you; depart from me,” are words in Matthew 7 many of us fear we will hear from Jesus. Should we live in fear that we will finally be rejected by Christ for not doing enough? Was that his intention? Or did he mean something else?

Are You a Legalist or an Antinomian?

Are you a legalist or an antinomian? Most people would claim they are neither. But many Christians don’t know what to do with God’s law. Jon and Justin talk about the law and the gospel–and how it is Paul could say he delighted in God’s law.

Take Up Your Cross?

“Take up your cross and follow me.” What did Jesus mean when he said that? Is he calling us to hate our wives, kids, and parents? Is he calling us to be willing to suffer anything if we are going to be his followers? Is he laying down a test of radical discipleship? Or is he calling us to something else?

The Demands of the Gospel?

People like to talk about the “demands of the gospel.” But does the gospel make demands of us? Must we forsake sin in order to come to Christ? Do we need to make Jesus Lord of our lives?

Chasing Goosebumps

Many of us have spent our Christian lives chasing after experiences. We live in pursuit of spiritual highs and that “first-time feeling.” There is something different and better. Jon and Justin talk about what that is.

Your Sanctification Is Not for You

What is the purpose of your sanctification? Who is it for? (Hint: It’s not for you.) We survey a number of passages from the New Testament to demonstrate the point of our growth in Christ.

The Birthplace of Bad Theology

Where does all bad theology come from? From our perspective, it comes from a loss of the church’s one foundation–that is, Jesus Christ and his work counted to us by faith alone.


Should you regularly be questioning your salvation? What about self-examination? When and how should you do that? The guys answer these questions and consider several passages of Scripture that speak to these issues.

What Is-and Is Not-the Gospel?

There are a number of things discussed in the church as though they are part of the gospel–things like faith, repentance, obedience, and surrendering all to Jesus. But are these things the gospel? The guys have that conversation.